Dec 30, 2019
If you're anything like most people, you're feeling pretty optimistic about a few new year resolutions right about now... But also, if you're like most people, by the end of January, you'll have abandoned them.
There is a reason that most people don't stick with their resolutions.
The new episode of the Boundaries.Me podcast is all about how to actually stick with your resolutions this year. This is directly actionable advice that I encourage all of you to follow, whether you're a resolutions person or not, if you have any goals that you'd like to accomplish.
Setting goals is easy and meeting them is hard, but it doesn't have to be impossible. If you can learn how to do this, you'll thrive in any situation where you're trying to accomplish something.
The Boundaries.Me team is rooting for you. Whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish... whether you want to lose a little weight, or become a professional athlete... whether you want to get better at replying to emails, or you want to write your life story, the process is the same. We know you can do it. I really, really believe in this path.
It's what I use in my own life, and it's what I use with a lot of people that I work with. It's going to work for you too.