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The Podcast

Oct 30, 2020

On this episode of The Dr. Cloud Show:

-In hoping for reconciliation, how can we tell if the other person is really changing?

-How do you interact with a sibling that has emotionally abusive outbursts?

-A friend is suffering from depression and it's been getting worse.

-Elle and her current husband are fighting about...

Oct 29, 2020

On this episode of The Dr. Cloud Show:

-After hoping that childhood trauma would work itself out, this caller is realizing that's not going to happen and wants to make a plan for healing.

-Reestablishing a relationship with a sibling that's entitled.

-Caught between two difficult outcomes, should Natalia...

Oct 28, 2020

On this episode of The Dr. Cloud Show:

-Her friend has just been diagnosed with BPD. What are some ways to stay and supportive when her friend's moods swing?

-A close friend is a hoarder, and in an abusive relationship with her parents. How can she transfer that security in objects to other more productive...

Oct 27, 2020

On this episode of The Dr. Cloud Show:

-Do you need to let your partner know you're codependent, or is it better to just change your behavior?

-How do you undo the damage of not setting boundaries with a now self-centered 10 year old child?

-Her father is a long time addict and he almost died recently. How can she get...

Oct 23, 2020

On this episode of The Dr. Cloud Show Live:

-How do you stop enabling a lazy husband?

-Navigating a friendship with someone that doesn't respect boundaries.

-Her daughter is getting breast implants and she's worried about how the world will see her.

-When is enough enough with a parent?

If you haven't already, go...